The types of behaviors that I have shown from the Apex High schools Rubric is I communicate through my art. Pretty much all of my artwork tell kind of a story through them. Being in art class with Mrs Rose has given me a voice because otherwise, I would have not been able to express my self in that way. Even just talking about it, I get a lump in my throat trying not to cry. I'm the type of person that likes to experiment with different materials and art techniques so that is exactly what I did this year. One of my stronger behaviors is I take risks when it comes to my art. For example, I planned on making a video for art for one of my serious and one day my art teacher Mrs. Rose said "hey, why not try out this contest, its worth a try" but there was like a one week deadline and i barley even started the video so I was a little rushed into it but I ended up submitting it. Even though I didn't make it I am still proud of what ive done and glad i took that risk. Anot...